The Bee and the Fly
Before her hive, a paughty Bee
Observ'd a humble midding flie,
And proudly speer'd, what brought her there,
And with what front she durst repair
Amang the regents of the air.
" It sets ye well, " the Flie reply'd,
" To quarrel with sic saucy pride!
" They 're daft indeed has ought to do
" With thrawin contentious fowk like you. " —
" Why, scoundrel, you! " return'd the Bee,
" What nation is sae wise as we?
" Best laws and policy is ours,
" And our repast the fragrant flow'rs:
" No sordid nasty trade we drive,
" But with sweet honey fill the hive;
" Honey maist gratefu' to the taste,
" On which the gods themsells may feast.
" Out of my sight, vile wretch! whose tongue
" Is daily slacking throw the dung;
" Vile spirits, filthily content
" To feed on stinking excrement! "
The Fly replied in sober way,
" Faith we man live as well 's we may:
" Glad poverty was ne'er a vice,
" But sure ill-natur'd passion is.
" Your honey 's sweet; but then how tart
" And bitter 's your malicious heart!
" In making laws you copy heaven,
" But in your conduct how uneven!
" To fash at ony time a fae,
" Ye 'll never stick ye'rsells to slae,
" And skaith ye'rsell mair sickerly
" Than e'er ye can your enemy.
" At that rate, ane had better have
" Less talents, if they can behave
" Discreet, and less their passions' slave. "
Before her hive, a paughty Bee
Observ'd a humble midding flie,
And proudly speer'd, what brought her there,
And with what front she durst repair
Amang the regents of the air.
" It sets ye well, " the Flie reply'd,
" To quarrel with sic saucy pride!
" They 're daft indeed has ought to do
" With thrawin contentious fowk like you. " —
" Why, scoundrel, you! " return'd the Bee,
" What nation is sae wise as we?
" Best laws and policy is ours,
" And our repast the fragrant flow'rs:
" No sordid nasty trade we drive,
" But with sweet honey fill the hive;
" Honey maist gratefu' to the taste,
" On which the gods themsells may feast.
" Out of my sight, vile wretch! whose tongue
" Is daily slacking throw the dung;
" Vile spirits, filthily content
" To feed on stinking excrement! "
The Fly replied in sober way,
" Faith we man live as well 's we may:
" Glad poverty was ne'er a vice,
" But sure ill-natur'd passion is.
" Your honey 's sweet; but then how tart
" And bitter 's your malicious heart!
" In making laws you copy heaven,
" But in your conduct how uneven!
" To fash at ony time a fae,
" Ye 'll never stick ye'rsells to slae,
" And skaith ye'rsell mair sickerly
" Than e'er ye can your enemy.
" At that rate, ane had better have
" Less talents, if they can behave
" Discreet, and less their passions' slave. "
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