When as I Doe Reccord

When as I doe record
the pleasures I haue had
att this side slippery board,
my mind is merry & glad.
w i th many a lusty lasse
my pleasure I haue tane:
I wold giue mine old white Iade
tha t Iynye were here againe!

Shee brewes & bakes to sell
for such as doe passe by;
good fellowes loue her well;
infaith & soe doe I!
ffor euer when I was drye,
of drinke I wold haue tane,
I wold tread both shooes awrye,
tha t Iynye &c.

ffull oft shee & I
w i thin the buttery playd
att tray trippe of a dye,
& sent away the mayd
ffor shee is of the dealing trade,
shee will giue you 3 for one;
shee is noe sullen Iade;
giff Iynnye &c.

A man might for a penny
haue had a pott of ale,
& tasted of a Caney
of either legg or tayle;
for shee wold neuer fayle
if shee were in the vaine
alas, all fflesh were frayle
giff Iinnye &c.

ffull oft I haue beene her man,
her markett for to make;
& after I haue rydden
a Iourney for her sake,
Her pannell I cold take,
& gallopp all amaine;
Ide make both bedsides cracke
that Iynnye &c.

You hostises that meane
for to liue by yo u r trade,
if you scorne to kisse,
then keepe a pretty mayd!
for drinke is not worth a lowse
if lasses there be none!
I wold drinke a whole carrouse
that Iynye were here againe!
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