The Sea Crabb

I TT : was a man of Affrica had a ffaire wiffe,
ffairest tha t euer I saw the dayes of my liffe:
w i th a ging, boyes, ginge! ginge, boyes, ginge!
tarradidle, ffarradidle, ging, boyes, ging!

This goodwiffe was bigbellyed, & w i th a lad,
& euer shee longed ffor a sea crabbe.
ginge &c.

The goodman rise in the morning, & put on his hose,
he went to the sea syde, & ffollowed his nose.
ginge &c.

Sais, " god speed, ffisherman, sayling on the sea,
hast thou any crabbs in thy bote for to sell mee? "
ging &c.

" I haue Crabbs in my bote, one, tow, or three;
I haue Crabbs in my bote for to sell thee. "
ginge &c.

The good man went home, & ere he wist,
& put the Crabb in the Chamber pot where his wiffe pist.
ging &c.

The good wiffe, she went to doe as shee was wont;
vp start the Crabfish, & catcht her by the Cunt.
ging &c.

" Alas! " q uo th the goodwiffe, " tha t euer I was borne,
the devill is in the pispott, & has me on his horne. "
ging &c.

" If thou be a crabb or crabfish by kind,
thoule let thy hold goe w i th a blast of cold wind. "
ging &c.

The good man laid to his mouth, & began to blowe,
thinkeing therby tha t they Crab wold lett goe.
ging &c.

" Alas! " q uo th the good man, " tha t euer I came hither,
he has ioyned my wiffes tayle & my nose together! "
ging &c.

They good man called his neigbors in w i th great wonder,
to p ar t his wiues tayle & his nose assunder.
ging &c.
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