Now Fye on Dreames
Now ffye on dreames & ffond delights
tha t occupye the minde!
tis worser ffor to dreame by nights
then occupye by kind!
ffor if Cupid thy hart doth stryke
w i th lead or golden fflight,
O then, O then, O then, in dreames
thy thoughts strange things doe write!
Methought itt was my Chance to Clipp
thee Creature I loued best,
& all alonge the ffeilds to tripp,
to moue some sport or Iest,
& then & then, my [suite] I gan to pleade
vnto tha t ffairest mayd;
But shee, but shee, would nought beleeue,
w hi ch made me sore affrayd.
But yett by prayer & ernest suite
I moued her att the Last;
yett cold I not inioye the ffruite
tha t hath soe pleasing tast.
but when, but when, tha t motyon I bewrayd;
shee still this answer said,
" O no! O no! O no! I will dye
ere I loose my maiden-head! "
Yett did shee giue me leaue to tuch
her ffoote, her legg, her knee;
a litle ffurther was not much,
they way I went was ffree.
" O ffye! O ffye! yo u r are to blame! " shee sayd,
" thus to vndoe a maid;
but yett, but yett, the time is so meete,
[ line cut away here by the binder .]
Not Ioue himselfe more Iouyall was
when he bright dyana wonn;
Nor Hercules, tha t all men did passe,
when hee with distaffe spunn,
then I, then I, all ffeares when I had past,
& scalled the ffort att Last,
& on, & on, & on the same
my signes of victory placet.
But when Aurora, goddesse bright,
appeared ffrom the east,
& Morpheus, tha t drowsye wight,
w i thdrawen him to his rest;
O then, O then, my ioyes were altered cleane!
w h ich makes me still Complaine;
ffor I awaked, for I awaked, ffor I awaked; and I ffo[und]
all this was but a dreame!
tha t occupye the minde!
tis worser ffor to dreame by nights
then occupye by kind!
ffor if Cupid thy hart doth stryke
w i th lead or golden fflight,
O then, O then, O then, in dreames
thy thoughts strange things doe write!
Methought itt was my Chance to Clipp
thee Creature I loued best,
& all alonge the ffeilds to tripp,
to moue some sport or Iest,
& then & then, my [suite] I gan to pleade
vnto tha t ffairest mayd;
But shee, but shee, would nought beleeue,
w hi ch made me sore affrayd.
But yett by prayer & ernest suite
I moued her att the Last;
yett cold I not inioye the ffruite
tha t hath soe pleasing tast.
but when, but when, tha t motyon I bewrayd;
shee still this answer said,
" O no! O no! O no! I will dye
ere I loose my maiden-head! "
Yett did shee giue me leaue to tuch
her ffoote, her legg, her knee;
a litle ffurther was not much,
they way I went was ffree.
" O ffye! O ffye! yo u r are to blame! " shee sayd,
" thus to vndoe a maid;
but yett, but yett, the time is so meete,
[ line cut away here by the binder .]
Not Ioue himselfe more Iouyall was
when he bright dyana wonn;
Nor Hercules, tha t all men did passe,
when hee with distaffe spunn,
then I, then I, all ffeares when I had past,
& scalled the ffort att Last,
& on, & on, & on the same
my signes of victory placet.
But when Aurora, goddesse bright,
appeared ffrom the east,
& Morpheus, tha t drowsye wight,
w i thdrawen him to his rest;
O then, O then, my ioyes were altered cleane!
w h ich makes me still Complaine;
ffor I awaked, for I awaked, ffor I awaked; and I ffo[und]
all this was but a dreame!
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