The Obstinate Security of Sinners lamented
U NHAPPY Man, allur'd by Sin,
Still drinks the deadly Poision in;
And tho' expos'd to endless Woes
Still lolls secure in dull Repose.
Tho' Thousands daily from his Side
Are snatch'd by Death's resistless Hand,
And hurry'd to the infernal Land;
Yet still he lets his fleeting Moments glide
Unheeded by: still busily employ'd
I Chance of Toys; and while bright Prospects rise
Thro' false Futurity, and charm his Eyes,
Death unexpected comes; the Prospects fly
Like vano'd Smoke that once allur'd his Eye,
And all his flatt'ring Expectations die, —
Not so the deathless Soul; but torn
Reluctant, from her ancient Seat,
She sinks tormented and forlorn
Into the Flames she once could scorn,
But now bewails, alas, too late!
What Eye can view the mournful Scene,
And not dissolve in Tears!
Ah! who shall warn unthinking Man,
And fill his Breast with useful Tears!
Warn him! — 'Tis all in vain;
He scorns the Fears that human Pity sheds;
Nay, laughs at all the melting Arguments
Which Love Divine itself invents;
Nor loves the Saviour tho' for him he bleeds,
And dies in Tortures, Agonies and Pain!
Ah! what can Thy poor Seryant do?
See, here he sits in fruitless Grief!
While thoughtless Mortals all around
Perish with Mercy's charming Sound
Loud in their Ears; perish just in his View,
And he looks on, but can give no Relief!
A seeble Mortal's Breath
Cannot speak Life to them that sleep in Death.
Then since I can't prevail
To snatch my Fellow-Man from Hell!
Since heedless of Disuasives, down
The dread Descent with full Career they run,
Nor pause at Mercy's loudest Call;
Let me retire, and o'er them weep
As down they sink into the fiery Deep,
And my poor Tears pursue them as they fall!
Maker OF S OULS ! to Thee, once more to Thee
I turn my interceeding Cry!
See how Thy wretched Progeny
Madly destroy themselves and die
By Thousands in Thy Sight!
O! let Thy Sovereign Grace appear,
And stop them in their mad Career;
Turn them from the frequented Path
That leads unerring down to Death
And everlasting Night.
U NHAPPY Man, allur'd by Sin,
Still drinks the deadly Poision in;
And tho' expos'd to endless Woes
Still lolls secure in dull Repose.
Tho' Thousands daily from his Side
Are snatch'd by Death's resistless Hand,
And hurry'd to the infernal Land;
Yet still he lets his fleeting Moments glide
Unheeded by: still busily employ'd
I Chance of Toys; and while bright Prospects rise
Thro' false Futurity, and charm his Eyes,
Death unexpected comes; the Prospects fly
Like vano'd Smoke that once allur'd his Eye,
And all his flatt'ring Expectations die, —
Not so the deathless Soul; but torn
Reluctant, from her ancient Seat,
She sinks tormented and forlorn
Into the Flames she once could scorn,
But now bewails, alas, too late!
What Eye can view the mournful Scene,
And not dissolve in Tears!
Ah! who shall warn unthinking Man,
And fill his Breast with useful Tears!
Warn him! — 'Tis all in vain;
He scorns the Fears that human Pity sheds;
Nay, laughs at all the melting Arguments
Which Love Divine itself invents;
Nor loves the Saviour tho' for him he bleeds,
And dies in Tortures, Agonies and Pain!
Ah! what can Thy poor Seryant do?
See, here he sits in fruitless Grief!
While thoughtless Mortals all around
Perish with Mercy's charming Sound
Loud in their Ears; perish just in his View,
And he looks on, but can give no Relief!
A seeble Mortal's Breath
Cannot speak Life to them that sleep in Death.
Then since I can't prevail
To snatch my Fellow-Man from Hell!
Since heedless of Disuasives, down
The dread Descent with full Career they run,
Nor pause at Mercy's loudest Call;
Let me retire, and o'er them weep
As down they sink into the fiery Deep,
And my poor Tears pursue them as they fall!
Maker OF S OULS ! to Thee, once more to Thee
I turn my interceeding Cry!
See how Thy wretched Progeny
Madly destroy themselves and die
By Thousands in Thy Sight!
O! let Thy Sovereign Grace appear,
And stop them in their mad Career;
Turn them from the frequented Path
That leads unerring down to Death
And everlasting Night.
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