While various Rumours spread abroad
While various Rumours spread abroad,
And hold our Souls in dread Suspence,
We look, we fly to Thee our G OD ;
Our Refuge is thy Providence.
This Wilderness, so long untill'd,
An hideous Waste of barren Ground,
Thy Care has made a fruitful Field,
With Peace and Plenty richly crown'd.
Thy Gospel spreads an heav'nly Day
Throughout this once benighted Land,
A Land once wild with Beasts of Prey,
By impious Heathen Rites profan'd;
Thy Gospel, like a gen'rous Vine,
Its Branches wide began to spread,
Refresh'd our Souls with heav'nly Wine,
And bless'd us with its cooling Shade;
And shall these Mercies now remove?
Shall Peace and Plenty fly away?
The Land, that Heav'n did thus improve,
Will Heav'n give up an helpless Prey?
O must we bid our God adieu!
And must the Gospel take its Flight!
O shall our Children never view
The Beamings of that heav'nly Light!
Forbid it, L ORD ! with Arms of Faith
We'll hold Thee fast, and Thou shalt stay;
We'll cry, while we have Life or Breath,
Our G OD , do not depart away!
If broken Hearts and weeping Eyes
Can find Acceptance at thy Throne,
Lo, here they are: this Sacrifice
Thou wilt accept thro' C HRIST thy Son.
While various Rumours spread abroad,
And hold our Souls in dread Suspence,
We look, we fly to Thee our G OD ;
Our Refuge is thy Providence.
This Wilderness, so long untill'd,
An hideous Waste of barren Ground,
Thy Care has made a fruitful Field,
With Peace and Plenty richly crown'd.
Thy Gospel spreads an heav'nly Day
Throughout this once benighted Land,
A Land once wild with Beasts of Prey,
By impious Heathen Rites profan'd;
Thy Gospel, like a gen'rous Vine,
Its Branches wide began to spread,
Refresh'd our Souls with heav'nly Wine,
And bless'd us with its cooling Shade;
And shall these Mercies now remove?
Shall Peace and Plenty fly away?
The Land, that Heav'n did thus improve,
Will Heav'n give up an helpless Prey?
O must we bid our God adieu!
And must the Gospel take its Flight!
O shall our Children never view
The Beamings of that heav'nly Light!
Forbid it, L ORD ! with Arms of Faith
We'll hold Thee fast, and Thou shalt stay;
We'll cry, while we have Life or Breath,
Our G OD , do not depart away!
If broken Hearts and weeping Eyes
Can find Acceptance at thy Throne,
Lo, here they are: this Sacrifice
Thou wilt accept thro' C HRIST thy Son.
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