To the Good Knight and My Much Honoured Scholler, Sir Philip Carey
Sith Death (deere Sir) hath lately beene so fell,
To reaue that life, than deere life deerer farre,
This record of his greatest rage may quell
The lesse (perhaps) in your particular.
Faine would I (if I could) beguile your griefe,
With telling you of others heauie harmes:
But (ah) such guile giues Griefe too true reliefe,
In your true humane heart, that Pitty warmes.
Life is a Plague: for, who doth liue, must die,
Yet some that haue the Plague doe scape aliue,
So life's more mortall than Mortalitie:
Then sith that life (like death) doth life depriue,
You may reioyce, sith your Adolphus liu'd,
True Vertues life which cannot be depriu'd.
To reaue that life, than deere life deerer farre,
This record of his greatest rage may quell
The lesse (perhaps) in your particular.
Faine would I (if I could) beguile your griefe,
With telling you of others heauie harmes:
But (ah) such guile giues Griefe too true reliefe,
In your true humane heart, that Pitty warmes.
Life is a Plague: for, who doth liue, must die,
Yet some that haue the Plague doe scape aliue,
So life's more mortall than Mortalitie:
Then sith that life (like death) doth life depriue,
You may reioyce, sith your Adolphus liu'd,
True Vertues life which cannot be depriu'd.
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