To the Right Honorable the Earle of Worcester, &c.

Wert thou (most noble Lord ) a scurge to me
Plagueing my misses with an Iron Rod ,
Yet would I, in my hart , still honor thee;
For, though he punish me; I honor God .
Thou dost hurt no man simplie for his harme ,
But as the Surgeon doth, his hurt to heale;
Would wounded; , or diseased states did swarme
With no worse Surgeons for their Common-weale!
I honor thee for that which God himselfe
Doth honor Men , that is, for drawing neere
To his great goodnesse (not for Port , or Pelfe )
I honor thee for that , deere Lord; and deere
Shal such be to me for their vertue sake,
Though I thereof no vse at all doe make.
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