To the Right Honorable the Earle of Mar, &c.

Loe, how my Muse (inflamed by desire
To winne thy loue in paying thee thine owne )
Doth striue with Witt's dull sword , and Love's quicke fire
To honor thee: but how? that is vnknowne.
And if vnknowne to me, then needs it must,
To All to whom my Thoughts are lesse reveal'd;
In me it's like an Embrio , or like Dust ,
Wherein the first Man laie, at first conceal'd:
I am devising how to fash'on it ,
God grant I spoile it not in hammering ;
And if I doe, Ile sacrifize my Witt
In fire of Zeale , the while my Muse doth sing,
Like to the Swanne when death the songe ensu'th,
Most blest to die with sweete Mar in her Mouth .
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