CHRIST most worthy of Esteem, but ungratefully neglected in our World
Welcome to Earth, Great Son of G OD !
His best-belov'd, his only Son!
Hail, Thou blest Messenger of Peace
To Sinners helpless and undone!
Hail, great Deliv'rer! — — — Bow the Knee,
Ye Rebel-Nations, and adore!
J ESUS , who would not love thy Name?
What Rebel dare offend Thee more?
See ev'n this stubborn Heart of mine
Conquer'd by sov'reign Love, submit,
And shall not all the Nations fall
In humble Homage at thy Feet?
[Shall not thy Praise from Tongue to Tongue
Be spread? Thy Love from Breast to Breast?
Thy Name the universal Song
From North to South, from East to West?]
But, O my Heart, with Sorrow break,
Mine Eyes pour out incessant Tears!
The Son of G OD , the Sinner's Friend,
Neglected in our World appears.
The Wonders of his dying Love
The Riches of his Grace forgot! — —
Strange! Justice should behold the Sight,
And yet its Vengeance kindle not.
[O Thou, whose Mercy deign'd to pray
For those who nail'd Thee to the Tree,
The Wonders of thy Pow'r display,
And turn the Hearts of Men to Thee!]
Make Thyself Room in ev'ry Heart;
Great Saviour! welcome into mine;
Welcome, great Conqu'ror, to our World,
To make all Tribes and Nations thine!
Welcome to Earth, Great Son of G OD !
His best-belov'd, his only Son!
Hail, Thou blest Messenger of Peace
To Sinners helpless and undone!
Hail, great Deliv'rer! — — — Bow the Knee,
Ye Rebel-Nations, and adore!
J ESUS , who would not love thy Name?
What Rebel dare offend Thee more?
See ev'n this stubborn Heart of mine
Conquer'd by sov'reign Love, submit,
And shall not all the Nations fall
In humble Homage at thy Feet?
[Shall not thy Praise from Tongue to Tongue
Be spread? Thy Love from Breast to Breast?
Thy Name the universal Song
From North to South, from East to West?]
But, O my Heart, with Sorrow break,
Mine Eyes pour out incessant Tears!
The Son of G OD , the Sinner's Friend,
Neglected in our World appears.
The Wonders of his dying Love
The Riches of his Grace forgot! — —
Strange! Justice should behold the Sight,
And yet its Vengeance kindle not.
[O Thou, whose Mercy deign'd to pray
For those who nail'd Thee to the Tree,
The Wonders of thy Pow'r display,
And turn the Hearts of Men to Thee!]
Make Thyself Room in ev'ry Heart;
Great Saviour! welcome into mine;
Welcome, great Conqu'ror, to our World,
To make all Tribes and Nations thine!
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