Ephraim's Penitence

Hark! saith the Lord, what moving sound
Affects my listening ear?
'Til Ephraim all in sorrow drown'd,
That Moans himself in tears.

" Kindly severe, thy chastening stroke
Thy stubborn child reclaim'd:
So the wild bullock to the yoke
Must be subdu'd and tam'd.

Made wise by thy instructive rod,
My wandrings now I mourn:
Fain would I turn to thee, my God;
Turn me, and I shall turn. "

Thus groan'd the mourner: mercy heard
And gave the help implor'd:
Ephraim with joy and wonder fir'd,
Was quicken'd, and adored.

" When grace, he cries, my spirit drew,
(Before averse to move)
My God, I turn'd, I ran, I flew,
Nor could resist thy love.

With trembling consternation struck,
My guilty thigh I smote:
My stony heart dissolv'd and broke,
For follies long forgot.

The impious vanities that stain'd
My young unthinking days,
My heart with keen reproaches pain'd
And blushes flush'd my face.

Guilty, confounded, sunk in shame,
Here at thy feet I fall.
Should all thy wrath this moment flame,
Lord, I deserve it all "

" Is this my son, my darling son?
Is this my pleasant child?
My bowels move to hear him moan, "
The father said, and smil'd.

" I'm reconcil'd, my threats repeal'd,
That wounded but to heal:
When all their terrors stood reveal'd,
Thee I remember'd still,

All thy complaints shall be redrest.
And all remov'd thy fears. "
He said, and sooth'd his child to rest,
And wip'd the mourner's tears.
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