Epitaph on the Death of the Immortall Henry Prince of Wales, An

S vch Briefly said, and clearely too ,
Is hard yet that much Art can do .
But here much griefe and little Art
Is forc'd to act so hard a Part
Nature and Arte , with Grace , and Fortune too,
Sought Time , and Death to conquer (as they do)
In this Heroick PRINCE, who, through those four
Orethrowes Times force, and Deaths almighty Pow'r!
All that was in Him , was much more than all
That's found in Flesh , if young , and naturall!
Can Wit say more for his true glory here?
Yes: for he was a Prince without a Peere !
What more? why this: He di'de but in his prime ,
Yet, in perfection , elder was than TIME!
And more compleate than PLACE: for fame that growes
From his great WORTH alone, no lymit knowes!
If Time , and Death , and Place than, be to seeke
For such another; He to none is like
But him who hath no like ; yet like in MIND;
And, for they haue no like in either kinde!
This King of Princes , and that God of Kings :
Are like themselues than, and none other things!
And, like them-selues, they liue in Heau'n , and Vs ,
In spight of Enuy, Time and Death . Than, thus.
(In briefe) wee bound their boundles EXCELLENCE:
One, no such GOD; the other, no such PRINCE!
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