
Chearful, fearless, and at ease,
On the downy Lap of Peace,
In the gentle Muses Seat,
Unmov'd at War's tremendous Roar,
That Consternation spreads from Shore to Shore,
O'er solid Continents, and tossing Waves,
From haughty Monarchs down to Slaves,
Low cringing at their Feet;
Far from Terror's loud Alarms,
Peaceful N ASSAU ! in thee we sing —
We sing great G EORGE upon the throne,
And A MHERST brave in Arms;
A MHERST brave in Arms;
While B ERNARD , in their milder charms,
Makes the royal Virtues known
Chor. We sing great George, &c. &c.

The Sword of the Lord and of Amherst from far,
Gleaming tremendous, determines the War:
At th' approaching Vengeance struck
Gallic Slaves, tho' long enur'd
To face the wide destroying Sword
At a proud Tyrant's Word,
Now disorder'd and broke,
Despairing, confounded
With Terrors surrounded
by Amherst's Name subdu'd,
By dread of Vengeance close pursu'd,
Vengeance due to sacred British Blood,
The useless Sword they drop
Nor dare for safety hope,
But in swift flight,
Beneath the Shade of Guilt-concealing Night
We sing great G EORGE upon the Throne ,
And A MHERST brave in Arms ,
Amherst brave in Arms;
While B ERNARD , in their milder Charms,
Make the royal Virtues known.
Happy, happy, happy, still,
Safe from all the Alarms of ill;
While G EORGE , the Friend of Man, adorns the Throne,
And A MHERST shines in Arms;
While B ERNARD makes the royal Virtues known,
In all their milder Charms
Happy, &c. &c.
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