A Dream
Just as the grey dawning gan faintly to beam
One still summer's morning I dreamt a fair dream.
I thought that my body was tenantless clay,
And friends were preparing to lay it away,
They stood at my bedside, one weeping aloud,
While two with deft fingers placed on me a shroud.
And one who had loved me and knew all my care
Placed flowers about me and braided my hair,
And murmured, " Poor creature, her troubles are o'er,
And they who have vexed her can vex her no more. "
Then tenderly crossing my hands on my breast
She kissed me and blessed me and left me to rest.
The kindest words only about me were said
And restfully thought I, " 'Tis well to be dead. "
I sighed with contentment, so safe did I seem —
Alas, for the sigh! for it banished my dream.
One still summer's morning I dreamt a fair dream.
I thought that my body was tenantless clay,
And friends were preparing to lay it away,
They stood at my bedside, one weeping aloud,
While two with deft fingers placed on me a shroud.
And one who had loved me and knew all my care
Placed flowers about me and braided my hair,
And murmured, " Poor creature, her troubles are o'er,
And they who have vexed her can vex her no more. "
Then tenderly crossing my hands on my breast
She kissed me and blessed me and left me to rest.
The kindest words only about me were said
And restfully thought I, " 'Tis well to be dead. "
I sighed with contentment, so safe did I seem —
Alas, for the sigh! for it banished my dream.
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