To the Most Noble, Learned, Temperate and Judicious Lord, Henry, Earle of Northampton, Lord Privy-Seale &c.

To the most noble, learned, temperate and iudicious Lord, Henry, Earle of Northampton, Lord privy seale &c.

Deere Lord! Thy vertue and admired worth
Both Time, and Fortune, now makes so to shine
By that cleere starre ascended from the North,
That now thy raies in pow'r are halfe diuine.
Before thy vertues did thy minde but schoole
To make it capable of power and sway;
Which so prepar'd, straight found the way to rule
By learning long discreetly to obay
For though thy forces wanted armes to act,
Yet that was all their want, and had more skill
Then some that were (in action) thoght exact:
So thou dost gouerne men as Wit doth Will.
For as thou actest now on Wisedomes stage.
Thine action glorifies thy name and age.
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