To the Deere Memory of Mr. Thomas Francis of Northfolke, Brother-in-Law to Mine Approoved Friend R. R.
To the deere memory of Mr. Thomas Francis of Northfolke, brother-in-law to mine approoued friend R. R.
Fame , and my friend (who is most deere to mee)
Haue made me so acquainted now with thee,
That for that deere friends sake and for thine owne,
He make thee longer though not better knowne.
Hee is most blest in hauing such a friend;
For though times change, thou holdst out to the end,
One and the same in loue; like that staid Powre
Whome thou dost imitate. Then Fortunes lowre
Makes thee no changeling: so thy friend and mine
Still findes thy goodnesse like that Good, diuine
So do as many as haue need of thee;
For thon to all art helpefull, kinde and free
The House wherein thou harbourst, shewes thy hart.
As it the Fermors doth that takes thy part
The needy, neighb'ring you, can this auerre;
And so can others that do come from farre
Who (vna voce) say, they finde more good
In you then thousands of more liuelihood
Then least that goodness Time should darken quite,
These lines, part time, shall keepe them still in sight.
Fame , and my friend (who is most deere to mee)
Haue made me so acquainted now with thee,
That for that deere friends sake and for thine owne,
He make thee longer though not better knowne.
Hee is most blest in hauing such a friend;
For though times change, thou holdst out to the end,
One and the same in loue; like that staid Powre
Whome thou dost imitate. Then Fortunes lowre
Makes thee no changeling: so thy friend and mine
Still findes thy goodnesse like that Good, diuine
So do as many as haue need of thee;
For thon to all art helpefull, kinde and free
The House wherein thou harbourst, shewes thy hart.
As it the Fermors doth that takes thy part
The needy, neighb'ring you, can this auerre;
And so can others that do come from farre
Who (vna voce) say, they finde more good
In you then thousands of more liuelihood
Then least that goodness Time should darken quite,
These lines, part time, shall keepe them still in sight.
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