To Myne Approoved and Sincerely Beloved Friend, John Gyffard Esquire

To myne approoued and sincerely beloned friend, Iohn Gyffard Esquire.

Were but my fortunes (deere Amphialus)
In number, weight and measure, neere to thine;
Then should my loue be so ambitious
As to attempt to make thee wholy mine;
But as they are, they are (alas the while)
Expos'd but to contempt and hate of loue:
For friends in loue now meete but at their stile,
And as their state doth stand their loue doth moue
Yet as we loue the Highst for highest grace,
And of that grace Hee loueth vs againe:
So high and low may each in loue embrace
And so may I your loue in grace retayne
O then your owne free grace still grace in mee.
And Ile be bound as much as it is free.
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