Our Lord Is Risen To-Day

OUR Lord is risen to-day!
How glad th' angelic lay
Resoundeth, " Alleluia! "
Men, too, with feebler song,
That heavenly strain prolong,
Repeating, " Alleluia! "
Through darkest realms of woe,
Sweet notes of mercy go,
Re-echoing " Alleluia! "
Let every living thing
Therefore break forth and sing,
Exultant, " Alleluia! "

Death quenched not L ight of light ,
H E , clad in matchless might,
To deepest hell descended.
He preached to spirits there;
And, at His Word, despair
And death and pain are ended.
Out through the gates of brass,
The new-born armies pass;
While Saints, in raptured chorus,
Behold that host draw nigh,
And loud " Hosanna! " cry, —
" All hail, Thou King victorious! "

Before the dawning's birth,
Up to the waiting Earth
Our J ESUS swift returneth.
Through that same stone He rose
Fast sealed by His foes, —
Their malice thus He scorneth.
Earth quaked with fear and dread,
And Roman soldiers fled,
When, clad in radiance splendid,
One heavenly hand alone
Rolled back the mighty stone,
And Death's short victory ended!

Now shining Angels tell
How bands of death and hell
By Him were burst in sunder.
With spices in their hand,
Lo! holy women stand,
And list in thrilling wonder:
Then, trembling with the joy,
Unto the Eleven they fly,
That men also may greet him;
" The Lord is risen, " they say,
" The Lord is risen to day;
O, go ye forth to meet Him! "

Ascend Thy conquering car,
Thou mighty Man of War,
With all thy Saints surrounded!
Shine forth in perfect day,
And let Thy loving sway
Spread far o'er realms unbounded:
Till to the lower world
Thy deadly foes are hurled,
Cast down, to rise up never;
And Thou, I mmanuel ,
O'er heaven, and earth, and hell
Triumphant reign forever!

To G OD the F ATHER , S ON ,
And S PIRIT , Three in One,
Eternal praise be given,
By all of mortal birth
Within the Church on earth,
And countless hosts of heaven:
As was on that bright morn
When heaven and earth were born,
And songs of praise ascended,
Is now, and shall be so, —
Still swelling as they go, —
When Time itself is ended!
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