We Have Heard the Call
We have heard the Saviour calling far away o'er Jordan's wave,
We have grasped the hand that's mighty, that is reaching out to save;
We have faith in our Redeemer, he will safely guide us o'er,
We shall reign with him in glory, when we reach the other shore.
We have had the blest assurance that there's peace for us at last,
And bright crowns of vict'ry waiting, when the battle shall be past;
Manfully we 'll keep on fighting 'gainst the mighty hosts of sin,
Trusting in the blessed promise that the right shall surely win.
Ever onward with the prize before us, faithful to the end,
We will follow where he leadeth, and his gracious cause defend,
Tho' the way be thorny, and may lead thro' deserts wild and bare,
Yet we know 't will end in glory, over Jordan, bright and fair
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan, over Jordan's rolling wave,
We shall meet our blessed Saviour, on that bright and shining shore,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan, over Jordan's rolling wave,
We shall reign with him in glory, when our journeying is o'er.
We have grasped the hand that's mighty, that is reaching out to save;
We have faith in our Redeemer, he will safely guide us o'er,
We shall reign with him in glory, when we reach the other shore.
We have had the blest assurance that there's peace for us at last,
And bright crowns of vict'ry waiting, when the battle shall be past;
Manfully we 'll keep on fighting 'gainst the mighty hosts of sin,
Trusting in the blessed promise that the right shall surely win.
Ever onward with the prize before us, faithful to the end,
We will follow where he leadeth, and his gracious cause defend,
Tho' the way be thorny, and may lead thro' deserts wild and bare,
Yet we know 't will end in glory, over Jordan, bright and fair
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan, over Jordan's rolling wave,
We shall meet our blessed Saviour, on that bright and shining shore,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan,
Over Jordan, rolling Jordan, over Jordan's rolling wave,
We shall reign with him in glory, when our journeying is o'er.
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