Caeli enarrant Gloriam Dei — psal: 19

Caeli enarrant Gloriam Dei — psal: 19

Are we asleep or doe we see
Noe more than did blind Bartheme
Or are our sences charm'd to lie
Benum'd into a Lethregy
Whilst Sin makes of's a conquest? rise
Flesh-buried soule, and from the Skies
Let thy winged thoughts to thee relate
Who 'twas those Structures did create
Wher in thy Hemisphear at large is pend
More wonder than Fraile Clay can comprehend

Whither a Sun, a Moon, a Star
A Commet, or a Metear
A Various Bowe true signe of peace
Swoln Clowdes that cause the Earths increse
When breaking they distill; the glum
And horred beat of thunders drum
We heer or see: why were these sent
But t'shew He is Omnipotent
That thus in Caracters did write, wherby
We have a Lecture in Divinity

For as Those Great and Lesser Lights
Distinguish Time by Dayes and Nights
Soe was it Day with us; untell
Our disobedient Parents fell
Yet as the Tyncelld Night guives way
At th'opening o'th'true Goulden day
Soe did the powres of darknes fly
The Sonn of Righteousnes being by
And when we Commet-struck in sin had run
The Father did-redeem us by the Son

When th'Undertaker first did daine
For to restore His world again
He us'd noe other lock or sluce
I'th'Clowdes but sent a Bow of truce
What did His mercy, less, when we
Who are the worlds Epitome
Delug'd in Sin lay breathless drownd
Untill our Saviours pretious wound
Opend a draine wherwith He layd us drye
From wickednes into fertillety

The Aire imprisond faine would trye
The vertue of more liberty
Yet meeting with a tougher Clowd
'S Constraind to quarrell and speak loud
Soe if we seek our freedom heer
We must noe Cloud of fortune fear
But like Bonargeses proclaime
What we profess, and be the Same

Soe shall noe thunder-crack nor dash of wett
Prodigious Commet in us fear begett
But the Suns purple, and the silver winges
The moon Putts on bespeaks us Saints and Kinges
Whilst Iris endless peace, the numerous lights
Adorne the night discyfer all delights
Which for to seek to compass and obtaine
He that quitts life and all heer makes great gain
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