A Christmass Karroll
G O , breath of Sorrow; go, attending sighs!
Acquaint the natives of the northern shore,
The man they lov'd, the man they honour'd, dies,
And Charity's first steward — is no more.
Where shall the poor a friendly patron find?
Who shall relieve them from their loads of pain?
Say, has he left a feeling heart behind,
So gracious — good — so tenderly humane?
Yes — there survives his darling offspring — young,
Yet in the paths of Virtue, steady — sure!
'Twas the last lesson from his parent's tongue —
" Think, (O remember) think upon my poor. "
G O , breath of Sorrow; go, attending sighs!
Acquaint the natives of the northern shore,
The man they lov'd, the man they honour'd, dies,
And Charity's first steward — is no more.
Where shall the poor a friendly patron find?
Who shall relieve them from their loads of pain?
Say, has he left a feeling heart behind,
So gracious — good — so tenderly humane?
Yes — there survives his darling offspring — young,
Yet in the paths of Virtue, steady — sure!
'Twas the last lesson from his parent's tongue —
" Think, (O remember) think upon my poor. "
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