England's Triumph: or, The Rump Routed


To the Tune of, Fill up the Parliament full .

What makes the Souldiers
To stand to their Arms?
'Tis for what they profest,
To keep us from harmes,
The Members secluded
Comes in by swarmes
To fill up the Parliament full, full, full,
To fill up the Parliament full.

You know that the City Gates
Late were thrown down
The walls too were order'd
By Parliament frown:
But General Monk has pleas'd
Souldier and Gown.
And fill'd up the Parliament full, full, full,
And fill up the Parliament full.

A Council there was had
Of all the Members secluded,
Brave Monk was the Umpire
And found them deluded,
But Englands great joy
Is now wholly concluded,
For he's fill'd up the Parl. full, full, full,
For hee's fill'd up the Parl full.

Sir Arthur the Valiant
Must make his Speech large,
Lest the Members Excluded
Lay Treason to's Charge.
Hee'd better have dealt
With his New-castle Barge,
Than to see the Old P. full, full, full
Than to see the old P. full.

The Aldermen Grave,
And the Commons o'th' City
Imprisoned were,
The more is the pity,
But General Monk said,
That I will acquit ye,
For the P. now shall be full, full, full
For the P. now shall be full.

Have you not seen
Fresh Flowers in the Spring;
And have you not heard
A Cage-bird to sing?
But if the Cage-Members
Would bring in the King. — —
It would fill up the Parl. full, full, full,
It would fill up the Parl. full.

The Parliament now will
Come into their Geers,
For Secluded P — —
(That once lost his Ears)
Marcht in with his Rapier
For Commons and Peers,
To fill up the Parliament full, full, full,
To fill up the Parliament full.

Whose often Declaring
Has furnisht the Nation
With Parliament Arguments
Of the old Fashion,
And would have both
King, Lords and Peers in this Nation
To fill up the Parliament full, full, full,
To fill up the Parliament full.

Our brave General Monk
We bound are to thank,
The Honest Lord Fairfax
Has plaid (too) his prank;
No thanks to be given
To the Rump nor the Shank
To fill up the Parliament full, full, full,
To fill up the Parliament full.

Had the City ne're mov'd,
Nor the Prentices strove,
They'd lost their Old Charter:
But MONK had a love
To challenge the Grand Ones
Which Mischiefs did move;
And so fill'd up the Parl. full, full, full,
And so fill'd up the Parliament full.
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