On Truth

Truth in the Inward Part is my delight,
To Meditate therein both Day and Night,
And feel its pure Enliv'ning Pow'r in me
Surmount all Pleasure, that on Earth can be
Enjoy'd by Mortals: Ah, this is alone
More Precious than the Diadem or Throne
Of Egypt 's Land! O how my Soul admires it,
And in the secret of my Heart desires it
Above all transitory fading things!
For this alone true Satisfaction brings
To the Immortal Soul; then how can I
But, in true Meekness and Humility,
Bow down before the Glorious Majesty,
And Supplication make, that this may be
Abundantly each day reveal'd in me
By th'Holy Ghost; that so a contrite Heart
May be prepar'd, by Truth in th'Inward Part,
And offer'd up, a Living Sacrifice
Unto the Lord; who never will despise
A truly humble, broken, contrite Heart;
Because he loves Truth in the Inward Part:
Who can but prize it! For th'Eternal Love
Distils sweet Show'rs of Blessings from above,
Into the Heart, where this abides and dwells;
Which, with its Heav'nly Lustre, far excels
All Oriental Gems: The Rubies rare,
Or Sparkling Diamonds, may not compare,
Or be esteem'd with this; its Worth exceeds
Them all, as Sharon 's Rose all noisome Weeds
In Aromatick Fragrancy transcends;
And as by sacred Influence extends
A spicy Sweetness to what's touch'd thereby,
And tinctures with a sacred Sympathy;
As when one formerly was pleas'd to knock,
T'awake his Love, the Handles of the Lock,
Embalm'd with droppings of sweet smelling Myrrh ,
Stream'd with a Vertue, that enamour'd her,
Who 'rose to open to him, so that she
Was wounded deep, (O sacred Sympathy!)
Nor could she rest, till seeking far and near,
Her best Beloved did again appear.
This is that Princely Lover, that inspires
The Hearts of Mankind, with such pure Desires
After himself: And those that be affected
With Love sincere, the World must be rejected
By such, for their Beloved's sake; for He
A perfect Recompence to them will be.
Love can admit no Rivals; they must choose
But one, and then the other quite refuse:
For he that loves Truth in the Inward Part,
Ought to be sole Possessor of the Heart;
Then in this Pilgrimage he'll grant a Guide
Unto their Steps, lest they should turn aside;
Even this for-ever-blessed Truth within,
Which, as the Light, doth first discover Sin;
Then, as it is obey'd, the Heart and Mind
Hereby comes to be cleansed and refin'd
(As Gold refined in the Fire from Dross)
From all Pollutions; and upon the Cross
The Enmity is slain, and holy Awe,
With true Submission to the Royal Law,
Springs in its stead; thus Sin and Wickedness
Cast out and conquer'd, perfect Righteousness
Is then brought in, whereby Salvation is
Reveal'd, with earnest of Eternal Bliss.
Thus Man's Redeem'd unto a Blessed State,
That was become lost and degenerate,
Through Disobedience to that Sacred Law,
Enjoyn'd to Man at first, thereby to draw
To sole Dependance on the Chiefest Good,
Who granted him the Tree of Life for Food,
Till he transgress'd; but then Man presently
Became a Slave to Sin and Vanity.
So as by Disobedience in that Day,
Man, hearkening to the Serpent, lost his Way
In Death's dark Region; if his pensive Mind
Begins sincerely (by some Glimpse inclin'd)
T'obey the Light of Life , he comes to be
Redeem'd from Death and Darkness, and set free;
Free from Captivity of Sin and Death,
To serve the Lord of Life , who gave him Breath,
Yea, Life and Being; and when'er he pleaseth
But to with-hold his Pow'r, the Creature ceaseth
To move: In Him alone is Life and Love,
In whom the Righteous always Live and Move,
As led by this pure, holy, blessed TRUTH ,
The Inward Word, the Guide of Age and Youth.
For by this may a Young Man cleanse his Way;
And to the Aged, 'tis their Strength and Stay:
This surely is the goodly Pearl of Price;
And this is Mary 's well-approved Choice:
This is the hidden Treasure, that doth lie
So undiscerned by the Carnal Eye;
Which, whosoever finds, and selleth all
To purchase, tho' at first it seem but small
Unto the Worldly-Wise, yet shall it be
A good Inheritance Eternally.
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