Elegaic Lines, on the Death of John Maurice Jones, Esq.
Of Gelli Gynan, in the county of Denbigh,
Yes , spirit blest! thy natal hour was gay,
Thy opening prospects wore a pleasing hue;
Hope smil'd propitious on thy dawning day,
And pour'd a radiance on the rising view.
Yet, ah! how vain is morning's brightest beam,
If clouds obscure it ere the blaze of noon!
How vain, — if life's frail tenure is a dream —
A flower that dire Disease forbade to bloom.
Kind, lov'd, accomplish'd — such was, favor'd youth,
The fair attractions early promise gave;
To such a tribute, heaven-descended Truth
Sheds tears of grief upon thy early grave.
Yes, J ONES ! thy Cambria fondly saw thee born,
To guide the fertile current through her meads,
To aid parental precepts — to adorn,
And fold her summits in the forest's shades.
The flock to foster — and to rear the pile,
To bid the sons of Industry rejoice;
To bid the barren soil with plenty smile,
And hear thy virtues in thy country's voice.
Such was our hope; when the Divine decree
The hope of man in brightest hour represt;
Gave Virtue's meed — eternal bliss to thee —
The pang afflicting to a parent's breast.
Yes , spirit blest! thy natal hour was gay,
Thy opening prospects wore a pleasing hue;
Hope smil'd propitious on thy dawning day,
And pour'd a radiance on the rising view.
Yet, ah! how vain is morning's brightest beam,
If clouds obscure it ere the blaze of noon!
How vain, — if life's frail tenure is a dream —
A flower that dire Disease forbade to bloom.
Kind, lov'd, accomplish'd — such was, favor'd youth,
The fair attractions early promise gave;
To such a tribute, heaven-descended Truth
Sheds tears of grief upon thy early grave.
Yes, J ONES ! thy Cambria fondly saw thee born,
To guide the fertile current through her meads,
To aid parental precepts — to adorn,
And fold her summits in the forest's shades.
The flock to foster — and to rear the pile,
To bid the sons of Industry rejoice;
To bid the barren soil with plenty smile,
And hear thy virtues in thy country's voice.
Such was our hope; when the Divine decree
The hope of man in brightest hour represt;
Gave Virtue's meed — eternal bliss to thee —
The pang afflicting to a parent's breast.
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