Lines inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lord Newport

On Fancy's Wings for distant Heights outspread,
Through vast etherial Tracts I tow'ring fly,
To where bright Sol , with orient Blushes red,
Pours forth the Splendors of the Morning Sky.

There the wise Magi fought fair Truth of old,
And Virtue for their firm Companion chose;
There new-born Arts did Wisdom's Veil unfold,
And moral Science like the Sun arose.

Amidst the Memphian Shades in Thought retir'd,
Where pious Sages mystic Visions saw,
And blameless Priests and Patriots lay inspir'd
With Plans of sacred Faith and social Law.

Th' indulgent Goddess to my Eyes display'd
The Springs of Science, and the Seers of Nile ;
Whence Amram 's Son the Hebrew Host convey'd,
With Egypt 's Wisdom fraught, and learned Spoil.

Amaz'd I view'd the Hieroglyphic Gloom,
Where dawning Knowledge o'er the Globe was spread,
Whose genial Rays illumin'd Greece and Rome ,
And pass'd the tow'ring Alps ' eternal Head.

Then rais'd aloft through Fields of purple Air
I joyful urge my intellectual Flight.
Now Sparta 's Pillars unadorn'd appear;
Now Athens ' Pomp distends my aching Sight.

Pleas'd through the Philosophic Glooms I stray'd,
Led on by Contemplation's Hand to rove;
And Brutus ' venerable Form survey'd,
Erected awful in the sacred Grove.

Methought before the Patriot's Image plac'd
The solemn Shade of Socrates I saw,
Whilst Plato 's Form the Roman Hero grac'd,
Who fell beneath his Country's falling Law.

There Eloquence her dreaded Pow'r display'd;
Demosthenes still thunders in my Ear,
Whose rapid Bolts the distant Foe dismay'd,
And Philip 's haughty Soul transfix'd with Fear.

See, Sister Arts in mutual Triumph reign,
And rise through Ages with improving Grace;
The sculptur'd Marble, and the lofty Strain,
Offspring of Liberty and lasting Peace.

Till Iron Discord with her stern Alarms
Banish'd the Muses from their ancient Seat;
The Muses fled from Anarchy and Arms,
And found in Latium a secure Retreat.

There Clio to my mental Eye reveals
The Roman Glories and immortal Name,
Whilst Justice pois'd inviolate the Scales,
And warlike Virtues spread their matchless Fame.

Amidst the Senate Cato 's Form I see
Stemming with Virtue's Pow'r Corruption's Tide.
But say what bright distinguish'd Chief is he,
Adorn'd by Mantuan Maro at his Side?

Mecenas , him th' immortal Muse hath rais'd
Above the wasting Round of Time's Career,
His Patron's princely Worth by Flaccus prais'd,
Shall shine exalted as the starry Sphere.

Now wrapt in Tully's Tusculum retir'd,
I lay intranc'd within the sacred Bow'r,
Where ev'ry God his glowing Breast inspir'd,
And ev'ry Age shall claim his thoughtful Hour.

Remote from Rome to Britain 's blissful Shore,
The guiding Goddess wing'd her radiant Flight,
Where Bacon 's Hand unlock'd the latent Store
Of Nature's richest Treasures to our Sight.

Th' important Volumes to my Mind disclose
The mighty Genius dawning in each Line,
In him th'unclouded Sun of Science rose;
In him, the Philosophic Beam Divine.

Thence down my visionary Eye surveys
A chequer'd Century of rolling Years;
Rejoic'd to fix on Hardwick 's happy Days,
Whose high-rais'd Worth a thankful Age reveres.

Hardwick! whom Heav'n for human Good design'd,
For Virtue's Guardian and Religion's Friend;
In him th' Oppress'd a sacred Refuge find;
For him a grateful People's Vows ascend.

Wide-wasted thence o'er Seas that surging roll,
I pass'd the boist'rous hoarse Iernian Flood,
Still pressing nearer to the frozen Pole,
And on a Mountain's lofty Summit stood;

From whose commanding Brow my Sight surveys
A Prospect copious as it's Master's Mind,
Where varying Nature all her Charms displays,
With ev'ry polish'd Art and Grace combin'd.

When lo! the Song-inspiring social Maid
Exulting, pointed to a stately Bow'r;
An awful Edifice, half hid in Shade,
Which seem'd the Seat of Dignity and Pow'r:

" Thither, she said, with humble Steps aspire;
" There ancient Piety and Wisdom dwell;
" There Charity stills fans her sacred Fire,
" And gen'rous Fervours in each Bosom swell.

" The Virtues there of ev'ry ancient Sage,
" Through Time resounded by the Trump of " Fame,
" The gather'd Glories of each rolling Age
" Concenter'd in one shining Focus flame.

" There Cato 's Soul and Tully 's Tongue unite;
" There Hardwick 's Heart and Bacon 's Wisdom join;
" There Brutus ' Firmness in his Country's Right
" Blends with immortal Plato 's Warmth Divine. "

Before the solemn Portal now I stand,
Where all the Virtues in their Stations wait:
But see, th' illustrious Chief appears at Hand,
Lo! N EWPORT issues from the lofty Gate.
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