HYMN 76. Praise to the Redeemer

S T . J OHN'S Tune .

Hosannah to his name
Who bore our sin and shame,
Let heaven and earth resound his praise;
Come all ye sons of God,
Redeem'd by precious blood,
And shouts of holy triumph raise.

To his great name alone
Who sits upon the throne,
And wears redemption's beauteous crown;
Let endless praises rise
From all below the skies,
From all to whom his name is known.

He dy'd to save his foes,
His love no limits knows,
And let his praises know no bounds;
Sing, ranfom'd sinners, sing,
Extol your God and king,
Till universe his praise resounds.

Sing what you can't explain,
Sing of a Saviour slain,
A Saviour slain for sinners vile;
Sing of your blest abode,
Sing of your smiling God,
Your God that will for ever smile?

Sing of that holy light
Beyond expression bright,
The Morning Star of heav'nly day;
The Sun of Righteousness
That fills the church with grace,
Will all his beams in heaven display.
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