HYMN 90. Praise for Salvation
W REATH'S Tune .
Praise ye the Lord, let sinners praise
The Saviour's great and glorious name;
Let every heart that feels his grace,
His mercy, love, and truth, proclaim.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord — the Saviour praise ,
Hosanna to the God of Grace.
Praise Him who lov'd and pity'd you
When you no love or pity sought;
Who pay'd your price to justice due,
When you had sold yourselves for nought
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Praise him who sends his spirit down
To shew you all your sins forgiv'n,
To mark and seal you for his own,
And fit you by his grace for heav'n.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Praise Him whose everlasting love
Springs like a fountain in the soul;
And will, when time shall cease to move,
In an unbounded ocean roll.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Mercy, eternal as his throne,
And wide as his most righteous reign,
Descends in show'rs of blessing down
On all for whom the Lamb was slain.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Praise ye the Lord, let sinners praise
The Saviour's great and glorious name;
Let every heart that feels his grace,
His mercy, love, and truth, proclaim.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord — the Saviour praise ,
Hosanna to the God of Grace.
Praise Him who lov'd and pity'd you
When you no love or pity sought;
Who pay'd your price to justice due,
When you had sold yourselves for nought
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Praise him who sends his spirit down
To shew you all your sins forgiv'n,
To mark and seal you for his own,
And fit you by his grace for heav'n.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Praise Him whose everlasting love
Springs like a fountain in the soul;
And will, when time shall cease to move,
In an unbounded ocean roll.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Mercy, eternal as his throne,
And wide as his most righteous reign,
Descends in show'rs of blessing down
On all for whom the Lamb was slain.
Cho. Praise ye the Lord , &c.
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