Haslet's March

One light makes all the morn,
Fall in! Fall in!
One heat grows all the corn,
Fall in!
One halloo fills our horn,
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

Old man, be not too late,
Fall in! Fall in!
Young man, go kiss your mate,
Fall in!
Step out and make a State,
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

Poor chap with naught to do,
Fall in! Fall in!
Rich man, let's muster you,
Fall in!
You failure, come! be who! —
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

The war it will be long:
Fall in! Fall in!
Promotions will be strong:
Fall in!
Independence be our song,
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

There's a memory in war —
Fall in! Fall in!
It will spangle age afar,
Fall in!
Who falls will shine a star!
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

The fife invites the drum:
Fall in! Fall in!
They unite to sprite the dumb,
Fall in!
When music plays, O, come!
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

There's a General to be —
Fall in! Fall in!
Mother's boy, you may be he —
Fall in!
The flag we fly is free —
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!

Home always trims our lamp,
Fall in! Fall in!
How comrade-like our tramp!
Fall in!
Oh! beautiful the camp!
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in!
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