On the First Fit of the Gout
Welcome thou friendly Earnest of fourscore
Promise of Wealth , that hast alone the pow'r
T' attend the Rich , unenvied by the Poor ;
Thou that dost Æsculapius deride,
And o'er his Gallipots in Triumph ride.
Thou that art us'd t' attend the Royal Throne,
And underprop the Head that bears the Crown .
Thou that dost oft in Privy Council wait,
And drive from drowsy Sleep the Eyes of State .
Thou that upon the Bench art mounted high,
And warn'st the Judges how they tread awry;
Thou that art half the sober City's Grace,
And adds to solemn Noddle solemn Pace.
Thou that dost oft from pamper'd Prelate Toe .
Emphatically urge the Pains below:
Thou that art us'd, on amorous Ladies Knee,
To feed on Jellies, and to drink cold Tea:
Thou that art never from Velvet Slippers free ,
Whence comes this unsought Honour unto me?
Whence does this mighty Condescension flow
To visit my poor Tabernacle? Oh! — —
Thus Jove himself, from Ida 's Top, 'tis said,
At poor Philemon 's Cot once took his Bed;
And pleas'd with his kind hospitable Feast,
Jove bid him ask, and granted his Request:
So do thou grant (for thou art of Race Divine ,
Begot on Bacchus , the Great God of Wine)
My humble Suit , and either give me Store
To entertain thee, or ne'er see me more.
Promise of Wealth , that hast alone the pow'r
T' attend the Rich , unenvied by the Poor ;
Thou that dost Æsculapius deride,
And o'er his Gallipots in Triumph ride.
Thou that art us'd t' attend the Royal Throne,
And underprop the Head that bears the Crown .
Thou that dost oft in Privy Council wait,
And drive from drowsy Sleep the Eyes of State .
Thou that upon the Bench art mounted high,
And warn'st the Judges how they tread awry;
Thou that art half the sober City's Grace,
And adds to solemn Noddle solemn Pace.
Thou that dost oft from pamper'd Prelate Toe .
Emphatically urge the Pains below:
Thou that art us'd, on amorous Ladies Knee,
To feed on Jellies, and to drink cold Tea:
Thou that art never from Velvet Slippers free ,
Whence comes this unsought Honour unto me?
Whence does this mighty Condescension flow
To visit my poor Tabernacle? Oh! — —
Thus Jove himself, from Ida 's Top, 'tis said,
At poor Philemon 's Cot once took his Bed;
And pleas'd with his kind hospitable Feast,
Jove bid him ask, and granted his Request:
So do thou grant (for thou art of Race Divine ,
Begot on Bacchus , the Great God of Wine)
My humble Suit , and either give me Store
To entertain thee, or ne'er see me more.
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