A Song

A Song .

N E w-England is preparing a-pace,
To entertain King Pym , with his Grace,
And Isaack before shall carry the Mace,
For Round-heads Old Nick stand up now .

No surplisse nor no Organs there,
Shall ever offend the Eye, or the Ear,
But a Spiritual Preach, with a 3. hours Prayer,
For Round-heads, &c .

All things in Zeal shall there be carried,
Without any Porredge read over the buried,
No Crossing of Infants, nor Rings for the Married,
For Round-heads, &c .

The Swearer there shall punisht be still,
But Drunkennesse private be counted no ill,
Yet both kind of lying as much as you will,
For Round-heads, &c .

Blow winds, Hoyse sailes, and let us be gone,
But be sure we take all our Plunder along,
That Charles may find little when as he doth come,
For Round-heads Old Nick stand up now .
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