For the nightemare

For the nightemare:
Take a flint stone that hath an hole thorou of his
owen growing, and hange it over the stabil doore,
or ell over horse, and ell write this charme:
In nomine Patris, etc.
Seint Jorge, Our Lady knight,
He walked day, he walked night,
Till that he founde that foule wight;
And whan that he here founde,
He here bete and he here bounde,
Till trewly there here trouthe sche plight
That sche sholde not come be nighte,
Withinne seven rode of londe space
Ther as Seint Jeorge inamed was.

St. Jeorge. St. Jeorge. St. Jeorge.
In nomine Patris, etc . And write this in a bille
and hange it in the hors mane.
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