On the Death of the Duke of Suffolk

In the monethe of May, when gresse groweth grene,
Flagrant in her floures, with swete savour,
Jac Napes wolde one the see a maryner to ben,
With his cloge and his cheyn, to seke more tresour.
Suyche a payn prikkede hym, he asked a confessour.
Nicolas said, " I am redi thi confessour to be; "
He was holden so that he ne passede that hour.
For Jac Napes soule Placebo and Dirige .

Who shalle execute his exequies with a solempnite?
Bisshopes and lordes, as grete reson is;
Monkes, chanons, prestes, and other clergie,
Pray for this dukes soule that it might come to blis;
And let never suyche another come after this;
His interfectours blessed might thei be,
And graunte them for ther dede to regne with angelis;
And for Jac Nape soule Placebo and Dirige .

" Placebo , " begynnethe the bisshop of Herforde.
" Dilexi , for myn avauncement, " saithe the bisshop of Chestre.
" Heu mei , " saith Salisbury, " this gothe to ferre forthe. "
" Ad Dominum cum tribularer , " ssaith the abbot of Gloucestre.
" Dominus custodit , " saith the abbot of Rouchestre.
" Levavi oculos , " saith frere Stanbury, " volavi . "
" Si iniquitates , " saith the bisshop of Worcetre;
" For Jac Nape soule de profundis clamavi . "

" Opera manuum tuarum , " seith the cardynal wisely,
That brought forthe confitebor , for alle this Napes reson.
" Audivi vocem , " songe Allemightty God on hye;
And therfore syng we " Magnificat anima mea " Dominum . "
Unto this dirige most we gon and come
This pascalle tyme, to say veryli
Thre psalmes and thre lessouns, that alle is and somme,
For Jac Nape soule, Placebo and Dirige .

Executors of this office Dirige for to synge,
Shalle begyn the bisshop of synt Asse;
" Verba mea auribus , " saith abbot of Redynge;
" Alle your joye and hope is come to alasse. "
" Committere, Domine , yet graunte us grace, "
Saith abbot of synt Albans ful sorily.
The abbot of the Toure hille, with his fat face,
Quaketh and tremuleth for " Domine, ne in furore . "

Maister Water Liard shal synge " Ne quando . "
The abbot of Westmynstre, " Domine Deus meus, in " te speravi ;
" Requiem aeternam graunte them alle to come to. "
Therto a pater-noster saith the bisshop of synt Davy
For thes soules that wise were and mightty,
Suffolk, Moleyns, and Roos, thes thre;
And in especial for Jac Napes, that ever was wyly,
For his soule Placebo and Dirige .

Rise up, Say, rede parce in Domine ,
" Nihil enim sunt dies mei , " thou shalt synge.
The bisshop of Carlyle sing " Credo " ful sore.
To suyche fals traitours come foule endynge!
The baron of Dudley with grete mornynge,
Redethe, " Taedet animam meam vitae meae "
Who but Danyel qui Lasarum shal syng?
For Jac Nape soule Placebo and Dirige ,

John Say redethe, " Manus tuae fecerunt me. "
" Libera me , " syngethe Trevilian, " warre the rere,
" That thei do no more so, requiescant in pace . "
Thus prayes alle Englond ferre and nerre.
Where is Somerset? whi aperes he not here,
To synge " Dies irae et miseriae ? "
God graunte Englond alle in fere
For thes traitours to syng Placebo and Dirige .

Meny mo ther be behynde, the sothe for to telle,
That shal messes oppon thes do synge.
I pray som man do rynge the belle,
That these forsaiden may come to the sacrynge;
And that in brief tyme, without more tarienge,
That this messe may be ended in suyche degre;
And that alle Englond joyfulle may synge
The commendacioun with Placebo and Dirige .
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