The Fine Lady's Life

Sung by Mrs. Cibber in " The Provok'd Husband "

What tho' they call me country lass,
I read it plainly in my glass,
That for a duchess I might pass,
Oh, could I see the day!
Would fortune but attend my call,
At park, at play, at ring, at ball,
I'd brave the proudest of 'em all,
With a stand by, ... clear the way!

Surrounded by a crowd of beaux,
With smart toupets and powder'd cloathes,
At rivals I'll turn up my nose,
Oh, could I see the day!
I'll dart such glances from these eyes,
Shall make some nobleman my prize,
And then, ... Oh, how I'll tyrannize!
With a stand by, ... clear the way!

Oh, then for grandeur and delight,
For equipage, for diamonds bright,
And flambeaux that outshine the light,
Oh, could I see the day!
Thus ever easy, ever gay,
Quadrille shall wear the night away,
And pleasures crown the growing day,
With a stand by, ... clear the way!
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