
Ho! warrior month, my Martius, hail!
With battling breeze and clarion call
Thou rushest over hill and vale.
Before thee kneels the glowing year;
Behind, thy glittering hosts appear.
To rescue earth from icy thrall
Thou comest, bravest month of all!

Dear, bustling March, my Frühling come!
First month to-day, as first of old.
Thine the fresh song and wakened hum;
Thine the glad rill's recovered flow,
And thine the stir the sod below.
Thy rap and tap and summons bold
Startle the earth from slumber's hold.

O month content! My heart to thee!
No clamor now, no sudden throe —
The earth is roused; her soul is free;
How calm art thou, thy victory won,
How restful, in the restful sun!

The maiden April cometh slow,
Thou 'It greet her like a king, and go.
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