On the Death of the Rev. Dr. Fordyce

Blest be his memory! whose illumin'd page,
May check the follies of a future age!
When Genius in the cause of Virtue shines,
On adamant are wrought the golden lines;
Nor Time, nor Pow'r, nor Envy can destroy
The noble work, which Angels might enjoy! —
Where Truth's immortal champions war with Vice,
Thy name shall ever shine, oh great F ORDYCE !
And oh! whilst Justice shall record thy zeal,
For bright Religion — for thy country's weal —
Remembrance mingles, with a soften'd tear,
The glowing virtues of the friend sincere!
The gen'rous welcome, which thy look declar'd,
The cordial smile thy H ENRIETTA shared,
Mem'ry shall trace — while Resignation too,
O'er all thy griefs its gentle shadow threw! —
Firm in affliction — sure thy conscious breast,
Felt the pure Faith thy trembling lips express'd;
And Christian Hope — tho' humble, yet serene,
Cast its soft lustre o'er thy closing scene!
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