The Judgment of Cupid

Thus Venus wishing to resign
Her zone to mortal charms,
To Cupid, " let the task be thine,
" On earth to judge my arms. "

Then swiftly thro' the pliant air,
The god obedient flew,
His silken wings the zephyrs bear,
'Till Tramore came in view.

High on the dome where beauties move
In circling mazes round,
Quick perch'd the messenger of love
His silver pinions sound.

And when he view'd the lovely train
Of nymphs that skim'd along,
He thought himself on Ida's plain
'Midst the celestial throng.

One mov'd Minerva to his view,
Majestic was her air,
Her eye-balls flash'd with sprightly blue,
In ringlets flow'd her hair.

The next with Juno's taper neck,
Display'd its lovely form;
As streaks the milky-way bedeck,
When Jove dispels a storm.

A dimpl'd train of loves were seen
A third one to entwine;
As hover'd round the Paphian queen
Emerging from the brine.

The god resolv'd within his breast,
That back he'd take his flight,
As equal beauty each possest,
'Till Jane appear'd in sight.

Here smiling grace, and gentle love,
He found had fix'd their throne;
He wing'd an arrow from above,
That waft'd her the zone.

The modest fair one views the prize,
Unconscious of her worth;
" Not mine the boon, " she blushing cries,
" To call attention forth. "

The cestus fam'd in classic page,
Meant but intrinsic charms;
As Antoney can all engage,
Devoid of borrow'd arms.
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