To the Right Honourable, Alexander, Lord Spinny

Annexed forces dulic knit together,
Led are with ease, albeit none know whether.
Each thing conjoyned may do very well,
Xanshus streames severd straight the ford will quell.
Annex a sort of let ers, you may frame
Neatly a syllable; disjoyne the same,
Doubtles they turne to letters bare againe.
Each syllable annext may wel maintaine
Rightly a sentence, and the sentence knit,

Lively may set forth the exactest wit.
In knitting things together thus we see
Naturally how firme the knot may be.
Doubtles you then in vertue who excell,
Expressing it by grace annext so wel,
Surely may led to heav'n more easily
Encountring sin with great audacity,
Your life so Sir will reach eternity.
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