To the Right Honourable, Henry, Earle of Thomond
Heroickly your vertues we discerne,
Evermore striving byly , like King Bren :
None ever could this Bren in valour passe,
Reading of times, in which he septered was:
You, though this Brens great valour paralell,
Or rather may be said it to excell,
Bearing the valour then, which Bren possessed,
Rightly may you to honour be addressed.
You erne by Bren , whose vertues when you act,
Erne by Bren still, and let each Noble fact
Note your deserts, in some more learned tract.
Evermore striving byly , like King Bren :
None ever could this Bren in valour passe,
Reading of times, in which he septered was:
You, though this Brens great valour paralell,
Or rather may be said it to excell,
Bearing the valour then, which Bren possessed,
Rightly may you to honour be addressed.
You erne by Bren , whose vertues when you act,
Erne by Bren still, and let each Noble fact
Note your deserts, in some more learned tract.
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