To the Right Honourable, Sir Henry Fane Knight, Comprtoller of His Majesties Houshold
Here en doth call, with admiration too,
Enter beholding of the worth you shew,
Noting how fairely you performe your place;
Raysing great honour to your ancient race:
You needs must faire be, who so fairely doe,
Fairely performing what y'are fitted to;
And Faire still may you be, and Fairely may
Nobly your off-spring flourish every day,
Ever faire walking sir in your faire way.
Enter beholding of the worth you shew,
Noting how fairely you performe your place;
Raysing great honour to your ancient race:
You needs must faire be, who so fairely doe,
Fairely performing what y'are fitted to;
And Faire still may you be, and Fairely may
Nobly your off-spring flourish every day,
Ever faire walking sir in your faire way.
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