A Thousand years doth Nature plan

A thousand years doth Nature plan
Upon the making of a Man;
She sweeps the generations through,
To find the patient, strong, and true;
She rends the surge of seven seas,
Rearing a humble Socrates;
She burns a hundred years of sun,
Sealing the soul of Solomon.

A thousand years doth Nature plan
Upon the making of a Man;
She sees the ages dawn apace,
Ere Moses rouse his shackled race,
Or Homer or sweet Shakespeare sing,
Beside his deep eternal spring;
The centuries rise in reverence when
Buddha doth come unto his men.

A thousand years doth Nature plan
Upon the making of a Man;
She fills his heart with fire and faith,
She leaves him loyal unto death;
She lights his lustrous, loving eye
With flash of immortality;
She adds one more undying name
Upon the heated scroll of Fame.
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