Jockey Said to Jenny
Jockey said to Jenny " say will ye marry meI've got one hempen sark and a single bawbee
Will ye marry me and we'll toddle o'er the braes
For the Miller brings ye nathing but the dust i' his claes.
I wud na hae the Miller wi his claiding o' grey
Though I pass by his mill full ten times a day
Nor you Mr. Jockey wi your one hempen sark
Ise be happy in mysel and rise wi the lark.
I rise wi the lark and gae singing to the kye
Whiles ye're a dirty man and sleep in a stye
Ye'se sleep in a stye Jock yese know well ye do
If I'm married to a Hottentot I winna wed you.
Sae gang bout your ways Jock yese na my hearts desire
Take yer ane hempen sark and hang it on a briar
Hang it on a briar to fright the crows away
And gang away & hide yoursel to be seen na mair by day.
Then Jockey said to Jenny where can I hide mysel
The winters coldest day is hot as I can tell
Then Jenny shew'd her ain face & cured Jockeys ways
And turn'd away the Miller an the dust in his claes
Now Jockey is a married man that hauds at the plough
He knits his own Hose when Jenny milks the Cow
For Jenny puts the siller to Jockeys bawbee
Turns Twenty Pound in Sixpences and happy they both beEnglish
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