Epitaph, on Sir Isaac Newton
More than his Name were less . — 'Twou'd seem, to fear,
He, who increas'd H EAV'N'S fame, could want it here .
Yet, when the S UNS , he lighted up , shall fade,
And all the W ORLDS , he found , are first decay'd;
Then, void , and waste , E TERNITY shall lie,
And T IME , and N EWTON'S Name , together die.
He, who increas'd H EAV'N'S fame, could want it here .
Yet, when the S UNS , he lighted up , shall fade,
And all the W ORLDS , he found , are first decay'd;
Then, void , and waste , E TERNITY shall lie,
And T IME , and N EWTON'S Name , together die.
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