A Portentous start — to take a snapshot aim

A portentous start — to take a snapshot aim
At Backs in the abstract — but you see my game —
To shoot off all the epaulettes and bustles,
To flatten out the controversial muscles
Which hint at four-armed fool-gods of the Hindu,
Furnished with dorsal duplicates for the two
Front-handed members, a peg-top of a person.
So kindly overlook my rude aspersion —
No by-your-leave as an " Eyes-front" contraption
To salute your honour — " One-Way" is my caption,
For better or for worse. I am the song bird
Of the dogmatic one-way Front-Man. I exert
Each day a ton of energy on this,
Just this — to bolster up all onewayness.
Ah, once you've said progress ! — in that little matter
I confess to being as mad as a March Hatter!
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