Psalmes of David, The - Psalm 36


Dixit injustus.


Me thinks amid my heart I heare
What guilty wickedness doth say,
Which wicked folks do hold so deare:
Ev'n thus it self it doth display,
No feare of God doth once appeare
Before his eyes that doth so stray.


For those same eyes his flatterers be,
Till his known evill do hatred get:
His words deceit, iniquity
His deeds; yea, thought all good forgett;
A-bed, on mischief museth he;
Abroad his stepps be wrongly sett.


Lord, how the heavn's Thy mercy fills,
Thy truth aboue the clouds most high,
Thy righteousness like hugest hills,
Thy judgments like the depths do ly;
Thy grace with safety man fullfills,
Yea, beasts made safe Thy goodness try.


O Lord, how excellent a thing
Thy mercy is, which makes mankind
Trust in the shadow of Thy wing!
Who shall in Thy house fatness find,
And drink-from out Thy pleasures' spring
Of pleasures, past the reach of mind.


For why? the well of life Thou art,
And in Thy light shall we see light.
O, then extend Thy loving heart
To them that know Thee and Thy might;
O, then Thy righteousnes impart
To them that be in soules vpright.


Let not proud feet make me their thrall,
Let not evill hands discomfit me;
Lo, there I now foresee their fall
Who do evill works; lo, there I see
They are cast down, and never shall
Haue power again raysed to be.
Author of original: 
Bible, O.T.
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