Version of Paraphrase of the Psalm, A - Psalm 118


Lift your voice, and thankful sing
Praises to your heav'nly King;
For his Mercies far extend,
And his Bounty knows no end.


Israel , thy Creator bless,
And with joyous tongue confess,
That his Mercies far extend,
And his Bounty knows no end.


Aaron , let thy chosen Line
Grateful in th' avowal join,
That his Mercies far extend,
And his Bounty knows no end.


Ye who make his Will your care,
With assenting voice declare,
That his Mercies far extend,
And his Bounty knows no end.


To my plaint propitious, He
Bade my captive Soul go free;
He shall in my cause appear;
Let not Man excite my fear.


He amid my Helpers stands;
Struck by Him, th' opposing Bands
Instant from before mine eye
Back in wild retreat shall fly.


O, how safe the Man, whose mind
Rests on Jacob 's God reclin'd!
Safer far then they who trust
On the help of breathing dust.


O how safe the Man, whose mind
Rests on Jacob 's God reclin'd!
Safer far than they who deem
Kings on Earth their pow'r supreme.


Gather'd from each distant Coast
Round me press'd th' embattled Host;
But my Arm, by God upheld,
Strew'd with slaughter'd heaps the field.


Round me, thirsting for my blood,
Round me adverse myriads stood;
But my Arm, by God upheld,
Strew'd with slaughter'd heaps the field.


Round me, see! as Bees they dwell,
Bees, that, issuing from their cell,
Mix in swarms, and on the wing
Arm'd with fury onward spring:


See their rage at once expire
Like the thorn-enkindled fire;
While my Arm, by God upheld,
Strews with slaughter'd heaps the field.


Soon thy stroke, relentless Foe,
Soon thy stroke had laid me low,
Had not God's supporting hand
Bid my fault'ring feet to stand.


He my Strength, and he my Song,
Lo! my days I yet prolong,
And, each hostile force o'erthrown,
Him my great Salvation own.


Shouts of health and hymns of praise
Wisdom's faithful followers raise,
While amid their peaceful Seat
Thus the ear their accents greet:


" O how strong the hand divine!
" O what wonders, Lord, are thine! "
See that hand, from Heav'n reveal'd,
Wonders yet on wonders yield.


Vaunt thy terrors, Death, no more;
He whom Israel 's Sons adore,
He, each danger chac'd away,
Bids me still his Acts display.


He indulgent, just, and kind,
Trials to my lot assign'd,
Yet amidst the doubtful strife
Rescu'd from the sword my life.


Ope the gates of Righteousness;
Let my feet have full access;
There I'll praise my Saviour's Name,
And his boundless Love proclaim.


Here the hallow'd gate behold;
See its valves at once unfold,
Pleas'd t' admit the chosen Train,
Pure from Sin's infectious stain.


Thee, the God inthron'd above,
Thee my lips shall sing, whose Love
To my voice attention gave,
Prompt to hear, and strong to save.


See the Stone, that, cast aside
By the Builders' erring pride,
In the Dome assumes its place,
Own'd the Angle's noblest grace.


Thou the Work, great God, hast wrought;
In its scenes our wond'ring Thought
Joys thy clemency to trace,
Seal'd to Jacob 's favour'd Race.


Lit by thy auspicious ray
Downward streams the wish'd-for Day,
Big with Acts that shall suggest
Endless mirth to Israel 's breast.


Save, O save, eternal Lord,
And thy prosp'ring aid afford:
Blest the Man, who, sent by God,
Visits Salem 's lov'd abode.


Come, ye Saints, and in his Train
Tread with licens'd step her Fane,
While from out her sacred Tow'r
Blessings on your head we pour.


Safe in Israel 's Lord confide;
He is God, and none beside;
See his fav'ring beams arise
To his People's longing eyes.


Fair, and innocent of spot,
Let the victim Lamb be brought,
And beside his Altar stand,
Fetter'd in the writhen band.


Thee, my God, in lengthen'd lays,
Thee my raptur'd lips shall praise;
Thee, my God, aloud proclaim,
Zealous to exalt thy same.


Lift your voice, and thankful sing
Praises to your heav'nly King;
For his Mercies far extend,
And his Bounty knows no end.
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