Paraphrase upon Job, A - Chapter 42
" O FATHER , I acknowledge, " Job repli'd,
" Thy all-effecting pow'r. O who can hide
His thoughts from Thee? who can reverse or shun
Thy just decree? What Thou wouldst do, is done.
I heard thee say; " Dare brutish man profane
My darken'd counsels, and of God complain?"
Great Judge, I in Thy mirror see my shame:
Those lips that justifi'd, my guilt proclaim.
Our knowledge is but ignorance, and we
The sons of folly, if compar'd with Thee.
Thy ways and sacred mysteries transcend
Their apprehensions, who in death must end.
O to my pray'rs afford a gracious ear!
Instruct thy servant, and his darkness clear!
I of Thy excellence have oft been told,
But now my ravish'd eyes Thy face behold.
Who, therefore, in this weeping palinode
Abhor myself, that have displeas'd my God,
In dust and ashes mourn. Nor will my fears
Forsake me, till I cleanse my soul with tears. "
When contrite Job had this submission made,
The Lord to Eliphaz of Teman said:
" Against thee, and thy two associates,
My anger burns, and hastens to your fates;
Since you, unlike my servant Job, have err'd,
And victory before the truth preferr'd.
Sev'n spotless rams, sev'n bulls that never bare
The yoke, select; with these to Job repair;
Their bleeding limbs upon My altar lay,
His ready charity for you shall pray,
And reconcile My wrath; else merited
Revenge should forthwith send you to the dead,
Who have My rule and providence profan'd,
Nor, like my servant Job, the truth maintain'd. "
Then Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar came
To their old friend; the feasted altars flame;
For whom that injur'd saint devoutly pray'd;
And with the incense their atonement made.
Ev'n in that pious duty the Most High
Beheld his patience with a tender eye;
From envious Satan's tyranny releas'd;
Dried up his tears, and with abundance blest.
His brothers and his sisters, all the train
That follow'd his prosperity, again
Present their visits; at his table feed,
Bemoan and comfort. Joys his grief succeed.
With gold and silver they increase his store;
And gave the precious earrings which they wore.
So that Jehovah blest his latter days
More than the first; his loss with interest pays.
His droves of asses, camels, herds of neat,
And flocks of sheep, grew shortly twice as great.
Blest with sev'n sons; three daughters, who for fair
Might with the beauties of the earth compare;
One call'd Jemima, of the rising light;
A second, for her sweetness, Cassia hight;
The youngest Kerenhappa, of the pow'r
And rays of beauty. Rich in nature's dow'r,
As in their father's love; who gave them shares
Among his sons, and join'd them with his heirs.
Job sev'n-score years his miseries surviv'd;
His children's children saw; those who deriv'd
From them their-birth, ev'n to the fourth descent;
And in tranquillity his old age spent.
Then, full of days and deathless honour, gave
His soul to God; his body to the grave.
" Thy all-effecting pow'r. O who can hide
His thoughts from Thee? who can reverse or shun
Thy just decree? What Thou wouldst do, is done.
I heard thee say; " Dare brutish man profane
My darken'd counsels, and of God complain?"
Great Judge, I in Thy mirror see my shame:
Those lips that justifi'd, my guilt proclaim.
Our knowledge is but ignorance, and we
The sons of folly, if compar'd with Thee.
Thy ways and sacred mysteries transcend
Their apprehensions, who in death must end.
O to my pray'rs afford a gracious ear!
Instruct thy servant, and his darkness clear!
I of Thy excellence have oft been told,
But now my ravish'd eyes Thy face behold.
Who, therefore, in this weeping palinode
Abhor myself, that have displeas'd my God,
In dust and ashes mourn. Nor will my fears
Forsake me, till I cleanse my soul with tears. "
When contrite Job had this submission made,
The Lord to Eliphaz of Teman said:
" Against thee, and thy two associates,
My anger burns, and hastens to your fates;
Since you, unlike my servant Job, have err'd,
And victory before the truth preferr'd.
Sev'n spotless rams, sev'n bulls that never bare
The yoke, select; with these to Job repair;
Their bleeding limbs upon My altar lay,
His ready charity for you shall pray,
And reconcile My wrath; else merited
Revenge should forthwith send you to the dead,
Who have My rule and providence profan'd,
Nor, like my servant Job, the truth maintain'd. "
Then Bildad, Eliphaz, and Zophar came
To their old friend; the feasted altars flame;
For whom that injur'd saint devoutly pray'd;
And with the incense their atonement made.
Ev'n in that pious duty the Most High
Beheld his patience with a tender eye;
From envious Satan's tyranny releas'd;
Dried up his tears, and with abundance blest.
His brothers and his sisters, all the train
That follow'd his prosperity, again
Present their visits; at his table feed,
Bemoan and comfort. Joys his grief succeed.
With gold and silver they increase his store;
And gave the precious earrings which they wore.
So that Jehovah blest his latter days
More than the first; his loss with interest pays.
His droves of asses, camels, herds of neat,
And flocks of sheep, grew shortly twice as great.
Blest with sev'n sons; three daughters, who for fair
Might with the beauties of the earth compare;
One call'd Jemima, of the rising light;
A second, for her sweetness, Cassia hight;
The youngest Kerenhappa, of the pow'r
And rays of beauty. Rich in nature's dow'r,
As in their father's love; who gave them shares
Among his sons, and join'd them with his heirs.
Job sev'n-score years his miseries surviv'd;
His children's children saw; those who deriv'd
From them their-birth, ev'n to the fourth descent;
And in tranquillity his old age spent.
Then, full of days and deathless honour, gave
His soul to God; his body to the grave.
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