Sinner Confessing He Can Neyther Will, Thinke, Nor Doe Any Good Thing without Gods Preventing and Assisting Grace, Importunes the Same -
O Thou that from the Bottome of Not-being
didst raise me to BEE thus, a MAN , like Thee:
And, ere I WAS , through thy diuine Fore-seeing ,
didst more then see what would become of me;
Giue, giue me leaue (thou God of endlesse Grace )
to enterplead with Thee without thine ire:
Why AM I, if thou turn'st from me thy Face ,
sith so a Brand I am but for Hell-Fire?
I could not choose but Be when thou would'st haue me;
for how could nothing crosse Almightinesse?
And now I Am , am lost, vnlesse thou saue me;
but, none thou sau'st that still thy Will transgresse.
Nor, can I doe thy Will , without thou wilt:
and if thou wilt, thy Will no Pow'r can crosse,
Much lesse my Weaknesse; then, if I be spilt,
it seemes thy Will , although my blame and losse .
And yet thou sais't, thou wilt no Sinners Death;
thy Word is Truth itselfe; then, if thou would'st
That I should liue, ├┤ let me spend my Breath
as those whom thou , by Grace , from sin with-hold'st.
So in thy Will (which no Pow'r e'er impugnes)
consists mine euerlasting Weale or Woe
Then, not to me , so much as thee belongs
to saue me from eternall onerthrow.
I can but Will; but, well I cannot Will
if thou first will it not; nor euer shall;
Then, will it first; for, I can will but Ill
without thy Grace , so, Grace doth all in All .
I cannot thinke , then much lesse can I doe
ought pleasing thee, without thy Grace first got:
And yet to doe it, still thou me dost woo;
which, yet I cannot, if thou doe it not:
For, looke what good I doe, it is not I
but thou that dost it in and by me still:
Then still I can doe all things in and by
the ( Lord of Pow'r ) agreeing with thy Will .
O then incline my Will thy Will to doe;
and giue me Pow'r , with Will , else Will will faile:
Will thou but this then me thou need'st not woo,
because thy Will with mine must needes preuaile!
So, shall there be but one Will twixt vs two:
Graunt this (deare Lord ) for this I thee doe woo.
didst raise me to BEE thus, a MAN , like Thee:
And, ere I WAS , through thy diuine Fore-seeing ,
didst more then see what would become of me;
Giue, giue me leaue (thou God of endlesse Grace )
to enterplead with Thee without thine ire:
Why AM I, if thou turn'st from me thy Face ,
sith so a Brand I am but for Hell-Fire?
I could not choose but Be when thou would'st haue me;
for how could nothing crosse Almightinesse?
And now I Am , am lost, vnlesse thou saue me;
but, none thou sau'st that still thy Will transgresse.
Nor, can I doe thy Will , without thou wilt:
and if thou wilt, thy Will no Pow'r can crosse,
Much lesse my Weaknesse; then, if I be spilt,
it seemes thy Will , although my blame and losse .
And yet thou sais't, thou wilt no Sinners Death;
thy Word is Truth itselfe; then, if thou would'st
That I should liue, ├┤ let me spend my Breath
as those whom thou , by Grace , from sin with-hold'st.
So in thy Will (which no Pow'r e'er impugnes)
consists mine euerlasting Weale or Woe
Then, not to me , so much as thee belongs
to saue me from eternall onerthrow.
I can but Will; but, well I cannot Will
if thou first will it not; nor euer shall;
Then, will it first; for, I can will but Ill
without thy Grace , so, Grace doth all in All .
I cannot thinke , then much lesse can I doe
ought pleasing thee, without thy Grace first got:
And yet to doe it, still thou me dost woo;
which, yet I cannot, if thou doe it not:
For, looke what good I doe, it is not I
but thou that dost it in and by me still:
Then still I can doe all things in and by
the ( Lord of Pow'r ) agreeing with thy Will .
O then incline my Will thy Will to doe;
and giue me Pow'r , with Will , else Will will faile:
Will thou but this then me thou need'st not woo,
because thy Will with mine must needes preuaile!
So, shall there be but one Will twixt vs two:
Graunt this (deare Lord ) for this I thee doe woo.
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