The Device of a Gentlewoman to Persuade Her Lover of her Constancie
The Device of a Gentlewoman to persuade her lover of her constancie, notwithstanding her show of hate, which shee onely used to quench the jelous suspicion of her friendes.
Sith fortune threates to woorke our wreake of joy,
By sowsing of our ship in feas of yre;
Sith sullen thoughtes doth so our friends accoy,
As wayward will still wresteth our desire;
I see no meanes more meete for our behove,
Then saile to strike till stormes be past and gone:
Our lookes must hate although our heart do love.
Yea, farre from wish our woordes must menace mone.
And yet this shew of force must needes seeme straunge
Unto us both, tweene whome was never strise;
But let it helpe, I never meane to chaunge,
But keepe my vowe unfallsed as my life.
These simple shistes wee silly wenches worke,
To quenche or coole our jelous friends suspect,
Whose lynxes eyes in every corner lurcke,
To trie and spoy what worketh our defect.
Thus farewell, friend; I wilbe short with thee:
Thou knowest my love in darkest cloudes will shine,
And though in show my woordes from wookes agree,
Yet thinke I am, and ever wilbe thine.
Sith fortune threates to woorke our wreake of joy,
By sowsing of our ship in feas of yre;
Sith sullen thoughtes doth so our friends accoy,
As wayward will still wresteth our desire;
I see no meanes more meete for our behove,
Then saile to strike till stormes be past and gone:
Our lookes must hate although our heart do love.
Yea, farre from wish our woordes must menace mone.
And yet this shew of force must needes seeme straunge
Unto us both, tweene whome was never strise;
But let it helpe, I never meane to chaunge,
But keepe my vowe unfallsed as my life.
These simple shistes wee silly wenches worke,
To quenche or coole our jelous friends suspect,
Whose lynxes eyes in every corner lurcke,
To trie and spoy what worketh our defect.
Thus farewell, friend; I wilbe short with thee:
Thou knowest my love in darkest cloudes will shine,
And though in show my woordes from wookes agree,
Yet thinke I am, and ever wilbe thine.
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