Many Years After -


I sat beside my fire, lived o'er again
My happy youth, now left so far behind;
Outside I heard the splash of heavy rain,
The ceaseless soughing of the stormy wind,

The melancholy moaning of the sea,
The rush of great waves, breaking on the shore;
When suddenly a loved voice called on me,
A much loved voice I thought to hear no more.

I caught my breath and listened. Softly fell,
In pleading tones, my name upon mine ear;
Then, like a sigh, was breathed the word " Farewell; "
My sad heart failed me, my limbs shook with fear.

I hurried to the shore, — there, still afloat,
A noble vessel 'mongst the breakers lay;
Our men were trying to push off their boat;
We women could do nought but watch and pray.

Three times the lifeboat launched. Alas, in vain!
All hands were lost! The ship became a wreck.
The face of one drowned man I saw again —
He wore my miniature around his neck!
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