Siege, The: Or, Love's Convert, A Tragi-Comedy - Act 3. Scene 2


To them Eudemus .

Eud . Not far off from thee most unhumane Tyrant.
Mis . I am a Tyrant now indeed; this stroke
Hath made that Name peculiarly mine.
Eud . Was't this she pleas'd thee for? she did deserve it
In comming to thee. 'Tis a due that's paid her
For that offence. But if I'd thought thou hadst
Only requir'd her Bloud 't should have been spilt
By me her Father, whiles she yet was honest,
Whiles not yet tainted with so near approach
Unto this Crime, as to Consent. I'm only
Sorry 'tis done so late.
Mis . O do not think
This Sin, this Villany, call't what thou wilt,
Was done with Counsell; 'Twas a meer Mistake;
Suspicion made me Cruell.
Eud . Nay, I thank you,
I thank you for the Wound: I'm glad her Body
Hath only pleas'd to slaughter; you have been
Past expectation kind in striking thus.
The wound had been far greater had you lov'd her.
Put this among your Deeds of Charity;
It is the only thing in which the Father,
Since thou didst first demand her, can rejoyce in.
Mis . If yet thy Voice speak louder than thy Bloud
Say this, Leucasia , only — — 'Twas his Error — —
O take revenge, Eudemus , whiles thy Fury
Yet prompts thine Arm — — O speak, Leucasia ,
Curse me, Leucasia , so thou wilt but speak — —
O pardon me, Eudemus , 'tis a King,
A King thus asks thee pardon — — By those Eyes,
Those Eyes, whose sight first Captivated mine,
By this thy present Beauty, though thus wounded,
Which makes me suppliant to thee, me, who do
Acknowledge no Superiour, I entreat
Thou think not ill of me howe'r — — Blest Father,
Only unhappy by this Accident,
Remit mine Error — — Sweetest Virgin look,
Look once upon me, I've no Dagger now,
No such curs'd weapon — — If thou yet dar'st trust
Thy Daughter with me, all the helps that Art
Can yield shall be employ'd; there shall no Prayers
Be made to Heav'n but to recover her;
No Gums shall fly up in a pious smoak
But for her health, although the Gods I know
Favour her so, that she ne'r yet had need
T' employ a Sacrifice.
Eud . Trust her with thee?
I'l trust her to Destruction as soon.
Give me my Daughter from thy loath'd Embraces.
You have done what you would: yet shee's not mine,
Whiles thus polluted by thy Love, and Anger.
When thou hast made her honest, and hast wrought
That cure upon her, then return her to me.
'Tis only Innocence that makes the Child.
Mis . Thou, unto whom I ow this curs'd misfortune,
Darkness, enwrap me. Though mine Eyes are blest
In viewing her, (too happy if not thus)
Yet that they may no longer share this guilt,
If thou canst hide one blacker than thy self,
Spread out thy Wings; O Night I fly to thee,
Strook deeper far, and wounded more than she.

Phil . Who is't would live in fear? Suspicion strikes
Those that intend no harm, insteed of Foes.
Cal . This comes of Love forsooth — — They fool so long
Untill at last they ev'n kill one another.
The beastly Poets now will fall to work
And stab her o'r and o'r again; we shall
Have such Leucasiads now come forth I warrant,
And such Misandriads — —
Pru . 'Twas no fault of his.
He did suspect some Treachery, some design
Upon his life; it was not meant to her.
Phi . I would 't had been your Widdow, Prusias .
Cal . Faith, cut her throat in imitation too.
Phi . Sure you may do it safely; she hath no
Bloud left that will be spilt; 'twill only make
Another passage for her wind.
Cal . You may
When you have don't take her, and marry her
In Recompence: I'l warrant you shall find her
As warm then, and as moist, as she is now.
Pru . You never had that goodness, as to Love.
Keep in your Scoffs, or else — —
Cal . — — You'l beat me, won't you?
Pru . A man can't be a little Circumspect,
And carefull of himself, but you must twit him
With Cowardise. Sir, there's a King in Thrace .
Cal . Why, th' King shall know we love him Sir as well
As you, although we do not walk his Pace,
Eate not according to his Palate, Love not,
And hate not by Reflection.
Phi . There may be
True hearty Subjects, though they be not shadows
Cast from the Body Royal; and we may
Live very well; and yet not live by Rote.
Pru . Pray y' be not angry friends: you know wee're Mortals:
All have our faults.
Phi . And thine is Cowardize.
Why, now I see thou'rt coming: I perceive
There is some goodness in thee. Let's speak Treason.
Pru . Come, come, you're merry Captains: let m' alone;
What think you of this Action?
Cal . Though I don't
Commend it, yet, I'm glad 'tis done.
Pru . The King
Shew'd himself truly valiant, me thinks,
That he durst strike i'th' dark, he knew not whom.
Phi . No question but 'twas valiantly done:
Misander did it. Troth I like it well,
There'l be some trading now. This sneaking Peace
Stops all Commerce; a Man grows musty in't,
There is no dying out of Course.
Cal . Good faith.
I do ev'n long to cut a Throat: good Qualities
Are quickly lost, you know, for want of practice.
To them a Souldier .
Sol . The City's up in Arms: away t' your Tents.
Cal . This is the first thing that I lov'd 'em for.
Now you shall see the difference 'twixt us Captains
Train'd up i'th' Field, and you train'd up i'th' Court
Phi . Let's to our charges; how will you bestow
Your self most valiant Prusias ?
Pru . I'l along
Unto the King, and do as he doth. Pray you
For my sake spare the Widdow — — faith I love her.
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